In the rapidly evolving telecommunications landscape, the shift from traditional telco to tech-centric operations is not just a trend—it’s a revolution. At Enterprise Connect 2024, the panel “Telco to Tech-co: Meet your new innovation partner” illuminated this transformative journey. Dave Michels, a leading voice from TalkingPointz, brought together experts Madhavi Gupta of e& enterprise, Matt McKernan of Content Guru, and Michael Brandenburg of Frost & Sullivan to delve into this pivotal shift. Here’s what CX and IT professionals need to know about the future of telecommunications and its role in enhancing customer experience (CX).

Embracing a New Era

Michael Brandenburg opened the discussion by spotlighting the evolution within the telecom industry. Gone are the days when telecom providers were seen as rigid and unyielding. Today, they’re adapting, recognizing the need to meet the digital-first demands of their customers. This change is crucial for keeping pace with over-the-top (OTT) services, which have traditionally outmaneuvered traditional telecoms in agility and innovation.

e& enterprise: A Case Study in Transformation

Madhavi Gupta shared the journey of e& enterprise (formerly known as Etisalat), which has redefined what it means to be a telecom provider. By expanding their focus beyond traditional services to include digital transformation and CX solutions, e& enterprise exemplifies the transformative potential within the telecom sector. This strategic pivot is not just about offering new services; it’s about reshaping the role of telecoms in the digital ecosystem, positioning them as key players in the tech revolution.

The Role of CPaaS and CCaaS

Matt McKernan’s insights into Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) underscored the importance of integrating telecom capabilities with cutting-edge software. This blend of technology allows providers like Content Guru to offer unparalleled customer experiences, showcasing the synergy between telecom foundations and technological innovations. As telecoms adopt more of these tech-focused services, they solidify their role as indispensable partners in the CX journey.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Telecom and Customer Experience

The panelists were unanimous in their view of the future: a world where telecoms are not just connectivity providers but are integral to crafting the customer experience. This vision includes leveraging network APIs, embracing RCS messaging, and exploring new realms of digital communication. The message was clear—innovation, agility, and partnership with tech are the keys to unlocking the next level of CX.

Why This Matters for CX and IT Professionals

For those at the forefront of CX and IT, the evolving telecom landscape presents a wealth of opportunities. Understanding how to leverage these new telecom capabilities can dramatically enhance how businesses connect with their customers. Whether it’s through advanced communication platforms, integrated digital experiences, or leveraging telecom data for better insights, the future of CX lies in the hands of those who can skillfully navigate this changing terrain.

The Takeaway

The transformation of the telecom industry from traditional service providers to tech-co innovators marks a new era in customer experience. For CX and IT professionals, staying informed and adaptable to these changes is not optional—it’s essential. As we continue to witness the convergence of telecom and technology, the potential to redefine customer interactions and satisfaction is immense. Let’s embrace this journey together, exploring the innovative solutions that lie at the heart of this telecom revolution.

For more insights into how CPaaS is shaping the future of business communications and customer experience, keep an eye on CPaaSAA. Together, we’re driving the conversation forward, one innovation at a time.

Telco to Tech-Co: Meet your new innovation partner

Robert has spent over 25 years using technology to solve operations challenges, improve employee experience, and create winning customer experiences. As CMO and head of product at IntelePeer, he pioneered the expansion of CPaaS beyond developers and into the enterprise with no-code/low-code automation, integrated AI, and off-the-shelf campaign and analytics tools. Robert loves creating new things and is always asking big "what if" and "what's next" questions. Today he is working with technology and communications providers to expand their offerings, effectively reach new buyers, and create value for customers and shareholders alike.


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