This week, the CPaaS Acceleration Alliance released the highly anticipated Service Provider (SP) Playbook, a crucial resource designed to equip service providers with the knowledge and strategies needed to thrive in the evolving CPaaS landscape. The Playbook boasts 80 pages of market insights and trends from leading analysts, many of whom will be at CASA24 to elaborate on their findings, plus 93 use cases (best practices) showing how Service Providers across the globe are already monetizing CPaaS and Network APIs today.

Integrating the SP Playbook into CASA24 Tracks

At CASA24, we are committed to providing a comprehensive learning experience. The SP Playbook will be covered extensively across all tracks, ensuring that attendees can delve into the detailed guidance and strategies it offers. Here’s how the Playbook will be integrated into the CASA24 program:

1. Keynote Sessions

Our keynote sessions will highlight the key themes and insights from the SP Playbook. Industry leaders and experts who contributed to the Playbook will take the stage to discuss the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the CPaaS industry. These sessions are designed to provide a broad overview and set the stage for more detailed discussions in the breakout sessions.

2. Breakout Sessions

Each track at CASA24 will feature dedicated breakout sessions that focus on specific chapters and topics from the SP Playbook. These sessions will be interactive, allowing attendees to engage with the content, ask questions, and participate in discussions. Topics will include:

  • Best Practices: Learn the most effective strategies for service providers, including operational efficiencies, customer engagement, and technology integration.
  • Ethics: Explore the ethical considerations in CPaaS, including data privacy, security, and responsible AI usage.
  • Business Models: Understand the various business models that are driving success in the CPaaS industry, with real-world examples and case studies.
  • Partnering: Discover how to build and maintain successful partnerships, including insights into collaboration, co-innovation, and ecosystem development.

3. Hands-On Workshops

In addition to the keynote and breakout sessions, CASA24 will offer hands-on workshops where attendees can dive deep into the practical applications of the SP Playbook. These workshops are designed to provide actionable insights and tangible takeaways that service providers can implement in their operations. Attendees will work through real-world scenarios, guided by industry experts, to apply the Playbook’s principles and strategies.

4. Panel Discussions

Panel discussions at CASA24 will bring together thought leaders, industry veterans, and contributors to the SP Playbook to discuss its implications and applications. These panels will cover a range of topics, providing diverse perspectives and fostering rich dialogue among attendees. This is an excellent opportunity to hear from those who have successfully implemented the Playbook’s strategies and to learn from their experiences.

5. Networking Opportunities

CASA24 will also provide ample networking opportunities, allowing attendees to connect with peers, industry leaders, and Playbook contributors. These interactions are invaluable for sharing insights, discussing challenges, and exploring potential collaborations. The networking sessions will be structured to facilitate meaningful connections and foster a collaborative community.


The SP Playbook is an essential resource for service providers looking to navigate the complexities of the CPaaS industry. By integrating the Playbook into every aspect of the CASA24 program, we aim to provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding and actionable insights that they can apply to their businesses. Whether you are a Connect, Grow, or Accelerate member, or even a non-member, CASA24 offers unparalleled opportunities to learn, grow, and lead in the CPaaS industry.

Join us in Amsterdam to explore the SP Playbook in depth and to be part of the conversations that will shape the future of CPaaS. For more information and to register, visit our CASA24 website.


Robert Galop
Partner & CMO
CPaaS Acceleration Alliance

Robert has spent over 25 years using technology to solve operations challenges, improve employee experience, and create winning customer experiences. As CMO and head of product at IntelePeer, he pioneered the expansion of CPaaS beyond developers and into the enterprise with no-code/low-code automation, integrated AI, and off-the-shelf campaign and analytics tools. Robert loves creating new things and is always asking big "what if" and "what's next" questions. Today he is working with technology and communications providers to expand their offerings, effectively reach new buyers, and create value for customers and shareholders alike.

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