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Channel Partners Las Vegas is May 1 – 4, and the CPaaS Acceleration Alliance will be there meeting with members, vendors, and solution providers. This will be an exciting year as vendors accelerate the roll out of ChatGPT, Video AI, and other AI-enabled features for enterprise users. We are particularly excited about how AI, APIs, and ready-to-use applications will combine to accelerate the CPaaS industry to USD 100B in sales by 2030.

This will be a big year for CPaaS in the channel. CPaaS companies have been trying for several years to expand sales through channel partners but have met with limited success. One of the reasons is that CPaaS and APIs are hard to sell through channel partners, who are used to selling finished software products that solve specific problems. CPaaS and APIs are more flexible and customizable, but they also require more technical skills and creativity to use.

That’s why it is important for CPaaS vendors to give channel partners examples of what they can sell via use cases, vertical solutions, and ready-to-use applications. These examples can show channel partners how CPaaS and APIs solve real-world problems for different industries and scenarios. They can also inspire channel partners to create their own solutions based on CPaaS and APIs.

CPaaS can be particularly important in the channel, as it enables channel partners to follow a “land and expand” strategy. After selling UCaaS, CCaaS, and other out-of-the-box solutions, channel partners can expand with custom solutions built on top of CPaaS. These solutions can help marketing, sales, and operations teams work more efficiently and deliver better customer experiences. This way channel partners can offer more value to their customers and ultimately increase their original revenue potential by 2X. CPaaS also allows channel partners to differentiate themselves from competitors and build long-term relationships with customers.

The CPaaS Acceleration Alliance is excited to see the new communications solutions that vendors are bringing to channel partners this year. We believe that CPaaS is the future of communications, and we want to help channel partners succeed with it. If you are a vendor who wants to join our alliance or a channel partner who wants to learn more about CPaaS, please come and meet with us while we are at the show. We look forward to seeing you there!

Robert has spent over 25 years using technology to solve operations challenges, improve employee experience, and create winning customer experiences. As CMO and head of product at IntelePeer, he pioneered the expansion of CPaaS beyond developers and into the enterprise with no-code/low-code automation, integrated AI, and off-the-shelf campaign and analytics tools. Robert loves creating new things and is always asking big "what if" and "what's next" questions. Today he is working with technology and communications providers to expand their offerings, effectively reach new buyers, and create value for customers and shareholders alike.

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