IDC (International Data Corporation, a premier global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, and events for the information technology, telecommunications, and consumer technology markets) just finished their 2023 CPaaS MarketScape, and the main authors Melissa Fremeijer-Holtz and Courtney Munroe wrote a great blog about their findings. […]
The IDC CPaaS Marketscape 2023, set to be released this month, sheds light on the latest trends in the Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) industry. Kevin Nethercott and Rob Kurver of the CPaaS Acceleration Alliance recently interviewed Courtney Munroe and Melissa Fremeijer-Holtz of IDC to […]
What a great way to kick off our CPaaSAA Panel Series!  We were fortunate to have three of the top CPaaS analysts in the business, Courtney Munroe of IDC, Raul Castanon of S&P Global, and Michael Brandenburg from Frost & Sullivan join our moderator Evan Kirstel […]
We’re excited to livestream a CPaaSAA Panel on Nov 8 featuring the top CPaaS analysts from Frost & Sullivan, IDC, and S&P Global, reflecting on the future of CPaaS as they see (and survey) it. What’s happening in the world of CPaaS and how can CSPs […]